The Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Act is intended to eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy. Investment of royalty-equivalent funds from mining on Aboriginal land is intended to benefit them. Initially $500 million, then $60 million a year is to support projects that create local jobs and wealth. This is how the Minerals Council of Australia has declared it. Further funds are to flow to support the affected aborigines.
These plans will generally simplify the processes for mining and exploration licenses. In addition, the rights of traditional owners will be preserved. Around 60 percent of operating mines are located close to Aboriginal communities. And mining employs the most Indigenous workers of any industry. And mining jobs have more than doubled since 2006. In any case, strengthening and simplifying the mining industry should be a good thing, alongside strengthening Aboriginal rights.
Australia is rich in raw materials. The first gold rush took place in the 1850s. Since then, raw materials are mined and also exported. Thus, Australia is one of the most important producers of raw materials in the world. Gold, for example, is mined all over the Australian continent.
For example, Karora Resources - - is located in Western Australia. According to forecasts, between 105,000 and 115,000 ounces of gold are expected to come from the Beta Hunt and Higginsville gold mines in the full year 2021.
In Australia there are also gold properties of Mawson Gold - -, namely in the state of Victoria. In addition, Mawson Gold owns the Rajapalot gold-cobalt project in Finland.
Current company information and press releases from Karora Resources (- -) and Mawson Gold (- -).
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