SCAC and Aeroflot sign the Act of Delivery & Acceptance for the SSJ100 MSN 95015
On completion of Technical acceptance procedure, JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" (SCAC) and Aeroflot signed today the Act of…
On completion of Technical acceptance procedure, JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" (SCAC) and Aeroflot signed today the Act of…
ESA satellites show that a large dome of fresh water has been building up in the Arctic Ocean over the last 15 years. A…
Does your domain name offer the clearest possible message about your organization? Remove yourself from the anonymit…
Mit aero-domains hat die Luftfahrt eine Alternative zu herkömmlichen Domain-Namen. Aero-Domains können nur Mitglieder…
Aus tausenden Bewerbungen weltweit wurden sechzig Vorschläge für Weltraumexperimente in das Finale für den von der ESA u…
Sixty space experiment proposals have been selected as finalists in the YouTube Space Lab student science competition, c…
Rund 38 Millionen Fluggäste nutzten im vergangenen Jahr Bayerns internationales Luftverkehrsdrehkreuz, über drei Millio…
The High Frequency Instrument on ESA's Planck mission has completed its survey of the remnant light from the Big Bang. T…
Eurocopter recognized the German Federal Police for reaching the 100,000 total flight hour mark with its EC135 fleet, wh…
Die EC135-Hubschrauberflotte der Bundespolizei, die deutschlandweit jedes Jahr Tausende Einsätze zur Strafverfolgung, Wa…