For well over a decade, Park Systems continuously strengthens its innovative role in the nanoscale microscopy and metrology technology, while remaining financial stability and technological leadership in the SPM market, even in the challenging times of 2020. As of June 1, 2020, Park Systems expends its leadership in Europe by establishing Park Systems UK Limited. The new European office, based in the heart of United Kingdom, will serve the British and Irish research community in all Sales and Application matters. It includes the nanoscientific laboratory equipped in Park Systems NX20 Large Sample AFM, and supported by the full range of research and industrial AFM tools located in the recently opened NanoScience Center Europe in Mannheim, Germany.
“The United Kingdom and Ireland, recognized for their ground-breaking and world-renowned research tradition, is at the heart of significant global science and technological development. Working with the best, this part of the European SPM community, plays a crucial role in contributing to the impact of this excellent research and development. I am delighted to be appointed as part of the UK Park Systems Team and to now continue their vision of sharing their innovative technology with universities and industries alike for the purpose of continuing the legacy of novel UK and Ireland research," proudly commented Satyam Ladva, the Sales Manager of Park Systems UK. “I have been observing the journey of Park Systems through the increasing competitive landscape of the AFM world. I am impressed of the directions, which the company has taken, conquering the industrial sector of the business, and securing funding for the research development. I’m excited to contribute with my AFM expertise to the further development of Park Systems AFM technology,” added, with excitement, Vladimir Korolkov, the Senior Application Scientist for Park Systems UK.
The new UK facility of Park Systems Europe Headquarters is a part of a growing network of Park Global Nanoscience Centers, including 3 additional offices opened only last year in Orsay France, Beijing China and Mexico City Mexico. Park Systems, a global AFM manufacturer, has offices in key cities worldwide, including Manheim, Germany, Albany, New York, Santa Clara, California, Tokyo, Japan, Singapore and Suwon, South Korea. Since becoming the only public offering for an AFM business in 2015, its stock has increased by over 300% reflecting the strong growth of its business with many company-wide global initiatives for continued future world-wide success.
Park System UK - Contact:
Sales: Dr. Satyam Ladva,
Application: Dr. Vladimir Korolkov,
Pegasus Business Park
Castle Donington,
DE74 2TZ United Kingdom