In March 2010 the European Commission launched the EU2020 strategy and, within its frame, a flagship initiativeA digital agenda for Europe. This is the continuation of earlier Lisbon Strategy and its i2010 initiative, which highlighted the importance of network and information security for the creation of a single European information space. ENISA's activities recently focused on, among other matters, the suitability of backbone Internet technologies regarding the integrity and stability of networks as currently deployed. As a further step in this direction, in 2009 the Agency proceeded with an assessment of the impact of new technologies on the security and resilience of network resources, and the identification of research priorities in the areas of networking resilience and in network and information security, basing on its Multiannual Thematic Programme (MTP1) "Improving resilience in European e-Communication networks".
This study was carried out under the umbrella of ENISA by a group of experts in the relevant areas who are experienced in running securityrelated research projects, in developing and implementing new networking technologies and in creating policies.
A number of areas, comprising one or more technologies and policies that are currently in use or where there are plans to introduce them within a few years, were identified as having an impact on the resilience of networks. Some of these areas are already well established, described and standardised, some are in the very early stages of development and, finally, some will only come into broad use over a very long time frame (more than five years).
Five areas have been assessed as presenting the biggest need for research within a window of three to five years:
- cloud computing
- real-time detection and diagnosis systems
- future wireless networks
- sensor networks
- supply chain integrity
These areas are analysed and described in detail in the core of the report.
This report is expected to contribute in the process of identifying research projects on a European level by, on the one hand, offering knowledge of industry needs to potential research institutions and, on the other hand, drawing the attention of decisionmakers to the most relevant.