CENTOGENE will be the first European company to use the groundbreaking nextgeneration sequencing (NGS) technology for the future generation of patient's genomes in-house validated for diagnostic environment. With this step, CENTOGENE further solidifies its global position as one of the top medical institutions for the early and reliable diagnosis of rare hereditary disorders. The HiSeq X® system performs whole genome sequencing, producing industry-leading data at the most cost efficient way available in the market today. CENTOGENE also successfully became part of the Illumina Propel Certification Program for Core and Service Labs, certified for the HiSeq 4000, the MiSeq® and the NextSeq® technology, which defines a unique standard worldwide and proves the deep knowledge our scientific and medical experts developed and apply in the analytical testing processes.
"When you commit to clinical diagnostics, results have to be fast and reliable. Only this enables the patient and attending physician to choose the best option for personalized treatment. The production of the most complete sequencing data, followed by a proven bioinformatics pipeline, forms the basis for a solid medical interpretation. CENTOGENE's worldwide databank, CentoMD®, together with the HiSeq X® platform will bring the highest level of quality to our patients. Clinical information and validated results will be available when they are needed. Especially the progress in intellectual disability, ultra-rare hereditary diseases, and oncogenetic diagnostics will drive the tremendous progress in whole genome sequencing," stated Arndt Rolfs, CEO at CENTOGENE.
"The adoption of the HiSeq X® system has exceeded our expectations and we are excited that CENTOGENE can take its research to new heights," said Paula Dowdy, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Illumina, Europe, Middle East, and Africa.
"With its high throughput industry leading data, and unprecedented price point per genome, the HiSeq X® system will provide CENTOGENE with an opportunity to help in its efforts to improve human health."
The combination of NGS technology, used at its frontline level, with CentoMD®, the world's largest genomic database for rare genetic diseases, gives the highest credibility to the patients and the medical experts to get a fast and comprehensive interpretation of the complex WGS data. Furthermore, the optimized processes reduce sample process times of ~30%, which result in turnaround times of less than 20 days for the complete lab analysis. The investment in the new high-end WGS technology will further increase the quality and the throughput at CENTOGENE.