Constanze Hufenbecher newly appointed to SMA Supervisory Board
The Kassel District Court has appointed Constanze Hufenbecher, member of the shareholder's committee and supervisory boa…
The Kassel District Court has appointed Constanze Hufenbecher, member of the shareholder's committee and supervisory boa…
Sales at €759.3million compared to €778.9million in the first half of 2023 EBITDA of €80.6 million (H12023: €125.3millio…
Round-the-clock electricity supply: Together with the RePower Ukraine Foundation, SMA has provided a PV solution to the…
The innovative SMA platform solution Sunny Central FLEX has won the smarter E Award 2024 at the start of Europe's larges…
Charge company and employee vehicles sustainably and cost-effectively: Companies with electric fleets can now rely on S…
100% grüne Energie aus dem Netz zum besten Preis beziehen und den eigenen Solarstrom gewinnbringend verkaufen: Gute Auss…
Gold for SMA. For the forth time in a row, SMA Solar Technology AG (SMA) has been honored with the renowned Best Managed…
Discover the future of energy at The Smarter E Europe trade fair in Munich: With the main theme “Managing energy to save…
Sales of €361.8million at same level as previous year (Q12023: €367.2 million) EBITDA of €49.9 million (Q12023: €60.0mi…
. Group sales grew by 79% to €1,904.1million EBITDA increased to €311.0million; EBITDA margin significantly widened t…