The drop weight tester has been optimized for two specific types of test - for multi-axial penetration tests on plastics (to ISO 6603-2, ASTM D 3763, ASTM D 3029 Method B) and for pre-damaging long-fibre-reinforced composites for the Compression After Impact test (CAI) to Airbus Standard AITM 1.0010 and Boeing BS 7260.
The ergonomically designed HIT230F features extremely simple, reliable operation, while an innovative specimen clamping system allows quick loading of specimens and ensures high specimen throughput.
Environmental tests can be accomplished using cost-effective external specimen temperature-conditioning equipment alleviating the need to install an expensive temperature chamber in the test frame.
The easily accessible test area makes fixture and accessory changing simple (e.g. from ISO to ASTM) and a servo-motor allows adjustment of variable fall heights from 0.1 m to 1 m.
The combination of new electronics with a powerful measuring amplifier and new load cells provides very high sensitivity throughout the load measuring chain and allows reliable determination of material characteristics. The addition of Zwick’s testXpert® II software brings the power and benefits of a well established software package covering all relevant Standards.