“TecDoc DIVER permits our customers to recognise precisely which areas in their product portfolio still offer potential for improvement,” says Uli Zehnpfenning, Managing Director of TecDoc. “It also reveals weak spots which would otherwise remain hidden – totally automatically, too.”
The people at TecDoc know that a product range which covers as much of the market as possible is one of the most important success factors in the independent automotive after-market. That is why the data professionals from Cologne want to support their customers as efficiently as possible in their management tasks. TecDoc DIVER is a further factor to guarantee customer-oriented service quality.
TecDoc DIVER provides clarity
“Anyone who works with the new TecDoc DIVER has a good insight into their range of products and their competitiveness at all times,” emphasises Mr Zehnpfenning. At the same time the users ensure professional product management and guarantee high product quality. Because by using TecDoc DIVER they ensure that the product lifecycles can be continuously monitored. In addition, they examine the market relevance and above all the competitiveness of their entire product portfolio.
TecDoc DIVER helps users to collect and analyse data in a very structured manner. In doing so they not only keep an eye on their own parts; at the same time they also obtain an overview of the competitive situation. You can generate competitive analyses and reports yourself with TecDoc DIVER and thus provide transparency throughout the entire company.
Data can be integrated
The system permits both TecDoc data and data from the user’s own databases to be processed and thus guarantees maximum flexibility. It is extremely easy to use because ready-made templates facilitate analysis and prepare users for targeted analyses.
For more information visit: sales@tecdoc.net
About TecDoc
The TecDoc Informations System GmbH was founded on 20. January 1994. A total of 31 shareholders from the automotive aftermarket industry and the parts trade, represented by the GVA (German Association of Spare Parts), support TecDoc. The primary aim of the company is to help ensure the ability to compete of the free spare parts trade. TecDoc offers an electronic information system for the PC and CV segment to the intermediaries of the free market. The availability of the technical catalogue information ensures the multi-brand service in all vehicle service companies. Currently, over 370 brands of the spare parts industry are members of the TecDoc system. The electronic parts catalogue on DVD and on the internet bundles over 2.795 million articles in 25 languages. Users can access more than 1.341 million illustrations. This covers over 44 000 PC types and more than 36 000 CV types. Per quarter, TecDoc reaches 800 000 national and international users, 60 percent of which in TecDoc own catalogues or in the WebShop through trade solutions implemented by TecDoc and over 40 percent via trade catalogues.
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Press contact:
Gabriele Stopka - Tel. +49 (0) 171 – 45 17 707 - press@tecdoc.net
Birgit Schiller - Tel. +49 (0) 221 66 00 – 214 - Fax +49 (0) 221 66 00 - 100 - birgit.schiller@tecdoc.net
TecDoc Informations System GmbH, Arnikaweg 3, 51109 Cologne, Germany