"With the two partial systems of 1.6 MWp and 2.0 MWp, we will be feeding, for the first time, solar electricity directly on the roof into the public power grid", says Roland Hofmann, Managing Director of TRITEC AG, Switzerland, "that's how we will prevent possible losses and bring electrical energy fast and optimally from 320 Volt low voltage to 16,000 Volt medium voltage."
By crane, the compact stations weighing several tons were hoisted in two steps onto the nearly 20- meter high roofs of Migros-Verteilbetrieb Neuendorf AG - first the housing and then the transformer.
The compact transformer stations with a rated output of 1.6 MW and 2.0 MW stand on specially poured concrete foundations. In terms of statics, the roof has sufficient reserves to carry the weight.
The generated energy will be fed into the power grid of Elektra Neuendorf. End of July 2013, when the complete solar power plant - consisting of four partial photovoltaic systems - is on the grid, it will annually produce 4,836,000 kWh of clean solar power. This is equivalent to the average consumption of about 1,100 households.
As the general contractor, TRITEC is responsible for the entire project engineering:
From design calculations via logistics, construction planning and coordination - all the way to commissioning.