Introducing OpenLink Wi-Fi access points
Today's release also signifies the first time TI's customers can easily repurpose Sitara ARM MPU-based designs as Wi-Fi access points via the new WiLink 6.0 OpenLink platform. OpenLink technology offers mobile-grade, battery-optimized Wi-Fi connectivity supporting native Linux designs, giving customers tested wireless technologies that can be easily re-integrated into designs as they migrate from one kernel version to the next. Additionally, TI's mac80211 Wi-Fi driver is optimized to maximize system level throughput.
As a result, battery-friendly customer products built on Sitara ARM MPUs can serve as a mobile Wi-Fi gateway or support peer-to-peer file transfers with other Wi-Fi enabled devices. These capabilities eliminate the need for external access points and create new opportunities for unique use cases depending on mobile, self-networking devices.
The quick-start experience and other key features
The AM18x Sitara ARM EVM + WL1271 Development Kit is the latest version of TI's original AM18x Sitara ARM EVM and includes elements that create a unique, quick-start experience right out of the box. Meaning a user can be up and running with a demo application in 30 minutes or less.
Pricing and availability
The production-ready WiLink 6.0 (WL1271) OpenLink module is packaged as a daughter card and bundled in the AM18x Sitara ARM EVM + WL1271 Development Kit, priced at $1,150.00. For customers already working on an AM18x Sitara ARM EVM, the standalone daughter card is available for $249. [Note: The WiLink 6.0 OpenLink daughter card is compatible with all existing AM18x Sitara ARM EVMs, except the AM1810 Sitara ARM MPU.]
- TI's AM18x EVM + WL1271 Development Kit:
- TI's standalone WiLink 6.0 daughter card:
Find out more about TI's wireless connectivity solutions
- TI's OpenLink software development kit:
- TI's Openlink community site:
- TI's WiLink 6.0 solution (WL1271):
- TI's AM1808 Sitara ARM MPU:
- TI's wireless connectivity solutions:
- TI's wireless connectivity Wiki: