As a second step the tampon printing machine "Hybrid 90-2" will be used. A 2-colour tampon printing machine unit - consisting of flexible tampon printing as well as the production of the printing form with the integrated laser unit - allows the quick resetting of motifs or printing parts. The printing form or cliché production by means of laser engraving takes places within seconds onto the integrated cliché band with a length of 25 mtr. With a motif diameter of approx. 85 mm there will be approx. 215 motifs without having to change the cliché as previously necessary. The "hermetic" ink/doctoring unit can be swivelled outwards for the ink change. For a hand-work place all necessary units are integrated: the touch-screen user interface is ergonomically positioned at eye level and can be central operated. The integration of the "Hybrid 90-2" into a fully automated system or an assembly line is possible at any time (PLC, 37-poles Sub-D-interface). The errors produced by operators can be completely excluded due to the cross linking of the two machine types ALFALAS® laser system and tampon printing machine via a control system. At the same time the necessary operating data will/can be recorded in writing. This process chain expertise consisting of special machine construction, laser marking and tampon printing, integrated in the here presented automated system, offers unequalled opportunities. See for yourself: LASYS 2008, Stuttgart 4 - 6 March 2008 in hall 4, stand A52.