Intel, the premier sponsor of the conference, underlined the importance of premium TTS solutions for in-car navigation and infotainment devices: “SVOX is one of the frontrunners in the development and optimization of TTS solutions for the mobile environment.” said Arndt Christl, Director Strategic Initiatives. “The combination of SVOX TTS technology and Intel’s next generation application processors is an ideal foundation for creating compelling mobile applications that are intuitive and safe to use in the car.”
SVOX technology is easier and faster to implement than any other solution, the company says. SVOX described the three factors that will determine the future of speech applications. First, speed to market is critical, which requires flexibility, and the SVOX SpeechCreate tool is a solution to this challenge. Second is the need to overcome language barriers, including, as an example, providing German interpretations of French street names or vice versa. Third is the importance of differentiating products based on the voice experience, which is a reference to the voice branding of mobile products.
The capability of next generation devices will go beyond pure navigation functionality to various multimedia functions such as email, SMS, audio and video applications. SVOX technology will contribute to significantly increase the ease of use and safety of mobile devices for in-car navigation and infotainment systems.