With the Ready for Mobile solution in combination with an online video package from stream5, website operators will be able to provide a problem-free and optimum video experience on mobile devices such as the iPhone and smartphones in future. Automatic identification of the particular user platform ensures that the appropriate video format is used. This will finally put an end to the annoyance caused by video clips not playing on the iPhone and other mobile devices without Flash support.
Ready for Mobile "plus" will further allow all the video content of an entire website - or parts of it - to be displayed on the iPhone or smartphone in the form of a video collection, which is generated automatically and shown in a very clearly laid-out format. And the video content can be adapted to the corporate identity of the website operator, thus ensuring a consistent online video presence. Of course, this is all done without changing the existing website structure.
This technology can also be applied directly to iPhone apps and apps from other smartphone manufacturers. For this purpose, stream5 will create individual video apps on request or integrate the mobile video functionality into existing apps of its customers.
The fine technical detail behind Ready for Mobile and Ready for Mobile "plus" conforms to the high standards of stream5. This includes the automatic encoding of the embedded video content for the particular internet platform, i.e. appropriate for the device and performance class. What makes this possible is the so-called multi-platform video embedding, which ensures the optimum video format for each case, be it Flash, H.264 or 3pg. As soon as the embed code is incorporated into a website, the appropriate video is created on the basis of the associated Javascript lines and incorporated into the website. Ready for Mobile from stream5 is compatible with all standard mobile platforms such as Android (Google), iPhone OS (Apple) and Symbian (Nokia).
Ready for Mobile and Ready for Mobile "plus" are available from the stream5 PRO licence upwards. The monthly licence fee varies from 195 euros (standard package) to 295 euros per month (plus). The PRO, Premium and Enterprise packages of the stream5 Video Machine are intended for professional website operators with a high video volume. One of the fixed components of the Video Machine is a web-based video management system, the stream5 Cockpit, which allows very easy management and distribution of video clips and complete video channels. The stream5 Cockpit also provides the mobile embed code, which converts the embedded videos into mobile content.
Interested customers can upgrade to the Ready for Mobile solution as from now via the hotline 0800 44 44.