CDP is an independent not-for-profit organization holding the largest database of primary corporate climate change information in the world. It acts on behalf of 475 institutional investors, handling $55 trillion in assets under management and some 60 purchasing organizations such as Walmart, PepsiCo and Cadbury.
A study by Groom Energy recently confirmed PE as a market leader in Enterprise Carbon Accounting. Paul Baier, VP of Consulting at Groom Energy, stated “Today PE INTERNATIONAL has the most solutions for Enterprise Carbon Accounting implemented globally. The CDP software accreditation strengthens their leadership position.”
“We are excited about this partnership. It expresses our confirmed commitment to assist corporations in analyzing, reporting and managing greenhouse gas emissions. We just see huge potential in this partnership to contribute even more to industries and economies shifting toward better practices in sustainability” so Michael Betz, Managing Director of PE INTER NATIONAL.
More information about our solutions related to the carbon disclosure project:
* SoFi Software for Corporate Carbon footprints
* Consulting Service Carbon Disclosure Project
* Carbon Disclosure Project