FMC solutions are in demand
Over 500 installations already show that the company is on the right track with its solution and has hit a nerve with a great number of companies. What is in demand today are innovative solutions which facilitate efficient, location-independent working: it shouldn't matter whether customers are being contacted by telephone from the office, a mobile or from a home office. With Teleserver Mobile Pro just one telephone number is used for all business contacts within the company – the office number. Employees can be reached anywhere and can even use the convenient functions of the telephone system on a mobile phone. Even with self-dialled calls, e.g. from a mobile phone or from a home office, the business partner only sees the office number. Perfect customer service, optimum separation of business and private worlds and improved cost control are the key benefits of using FMC, both for large corporations and medium-sized companies.
Starter package for partners
Interested partners are being offered an attractive starter kit to simplify entry into the FMC solutions sector and to profit from the current trend in the ICT market. The starter package on offer contains multiple free "try out and learn to love it" licences for the new software-based FMC solution. These licences are valid for 30 days and are intended for presentation and demonstration in the customer's company. This package also includes several free training days for partners in order to develop the necessary expertise.