The Elmia Production Fairs combine five trade fairs for industrial production under one roof. ELMIA 3D will take place for the first time in 2018. The trade fair brings together suppliers of machines, new materials and production facilities of additive manufacturing to get to know the production techniques of tomorrow in more detail.
SLM Solutions Group AG, a leading provider of metal-based additive manufacturing technology, will present the industrial application fields of its machines at ELMIA 3D. The focus of its trade fair exhibit will be on the SLM®280 2.0 as well as associated materials, technologies and processes at its trade fair booth 01:12 in Hall MG.
With the SLM®280 2.0, the SLM® experts will be showing the complete process chain (closed loop) of additive manufacturing from data generation and selective laser melting to powder recovery and reprocessing. The SLM®280 2.0 has a construction space with a size of 280 x 280 x 365 mm³ and is one of the most powerful machines in its class with up to 2x 700 W. With their quality systems, all SLM® machines control all relevant process parameters and ensure constant quality of metal powder with their closed powder systems.
"At ELMIA 3D, we want to show under realistic conditions how additive manufacturing contributes to innovations in the manufacturing industry," Stefan Ritt explained, Vice President and Head of Global Marketing and Communications at SLM Solutions Group AG. "We have already been able to collaborate in developing innovative products with our technology and are convinced that we can also provide further stimuli in the Swedish manufacturing industry."