This is where R+V/Condor would like to take up on: It has now also decided to accept e-signatures with signoSign/Universal from the company signotec. The decisive factor for this decision was a feature of the solution with which signatures can be recognized by the signature stamp "signed by signotec".
The aim of R+V/Condor in the broker market is to support its sales partners in the field of digitization and to simplify the processes for them. The main objective is to enable brokers and customers to conclude digital contracts as easily as possible without media breaks. "Particularly when it comes to the topic of concluding insurance policies with an e-signature, both the broker and the customer experience digitalization live.", says Stefan Heisig, head of the branch office Broker People of R+V/Condor.
The current acceptance decision for e-signatures with signoSign/Universal is a major step forward. "We are convinced that many brokers are focusing on the topic of digitalization because of the current limitations due to the Corona crisis and will continue to do so in the future. R+V/Condor offers solutions for their business partners in many areas.", continues Stefan Heisig.
In this way, both partners and customers of R+V/Condor will find it much easier to digitize around the signature process during the time of the Corona crisis, but of course also beyond.