The Foundation for National Scientific Computing introduces the liberalization of pt-domains from May 1, 2012.
According to Pedro Veiga, president of the Foundation, “this is a goal for which the Foundation has been working long and we finally have the approval of the proposed liberalization from the General Council. We hope that this liberalization will result in an increase in the number of people who choose to have a .pt address instead of registering foreign and generic top domains.”
From May 1st, anyone can register pt-domains without a brand or company. The Registration of pt-domains can then be done by anyone, similar to many other Top Level Domains.
For the registration of pt-domains, the domain only have to be technically associated with a primary name server, correctly installed and configured.
The Foundation also decided to create a "Sunrise period", from March 1st and in force for 60 days, in order to allow public companies, companies, brand names, establishment, logos, copyright and professional names, literary or artistic to register their pt-domains.
Hans-Peter Oswald