Production at Ajit has meanwhile started up successfully, with modules being manufactured for the Indian market as well as for export worldwide. The course has already been set for making the most of future prospects: for 2010, Ajit is planning to both expand its module production capacity and start manufacturing cells. The factory building currently housing the production line for Schmid modules was designed from the start to accommodate the extensions now being planned.
Sascha Bender, the project manager in charge at Schmid Technology Systems GmbH, emphasised in particular how extremely well Ajit, Bergen and Schmid had all cooperated during the project. He said that it was thanks to the extraordinary efforts of all three that in just 12 months, they had managed to turn an old industrial complex lacking facilities into a modern factory with highly qualified staff for producing approved solar modules to the highest quality standards.
In the module sector, Schmid Technology Systems GmbH provides three module concepts for semi- and fully automatic turnkey lines of up to 1000 MW. By offering Basic, Standard and Premium models, customer requirements as regards throughput and degree of automation can be satisfied individually.