The former Scheugenpflug AG has been operating as Scheugenpflug GmbH since September 1, 2020. With the registration in the commercial register on this date the change of the legal form became legally valid. All activities of the company will continue unchanged. General Manager of the new GmbH is Olaf Leonhardt.
Scheugenpflug has been part of the Swedish Atlas Copco Group since January 2, 2020. Since then, the specialist for dispensing technology has been operating as an independent business line within the "Industrial Assembly Solutions" (IAS) division.
The change of the legal form will reduce administrative efforts and accelerate integration into the industrial group. The aim is to bundle business activities more quickly and effectively with the existing Atlas Copco brands and to offer customers more comprehensive synergies both technologically and in terms of service.
The change of the legal form will not result in any changes for customers, partners and employees. All contracts will remain unchanged and will continue to be legally valid without any name change.