All fittings had to be entered one by one in the program. With the SANHA PLIP App, the drawing of pipe systems happens almost automatically. The handy auto routing function and the nodesolver automatically add the right SANHA fittings during the drawing.
What is the auto routing function?
With the auto routing functionality, the correct fittings and pipes are automatically selected, and you have the possibility to adjust the dimensions wherever you are in the drawing process. When you adjust the dimensions of a system, the specific properties, such as part numbers, automatically change with it.
What is the nodesolver?
The nodesolver is a unique functionality offering you the best possible solutions to replace a non-defined fitting created by autorouting in Revit. After analyzing the problem, you get to see a list with possible solutions. Once selected the solution of your preference, the nodesolver replaces the non-defined fitting with the SANHA solution you have selected. The solution is automatically added to your schedule and bill of materials. This is a major time saver and error avoider.
Demo video
Watch our video to see how these functions are applied when drawing a piping system with our NiroSan press fittings.