The new front door of the MagNA Pure LC 2.0 System requires less space above the instrument; the new surface materials of the stage proved to be resistant to all tested cleaning agents. The new GUI together with the touch screen allows efficient programming and data processing, and the real-time PCR workflow with the Light Cycler® 480 System is improved. The programming of pipetting schemes for various PCR set-ups can easily be done by a separate post-elution software. The error handling of the system has been significantly improved.
The MagNA Pure LC System from Roche Applied Science has been on the market since 1999. This fully automated ("walk-away") system is based on the well-established magnetic bead technology and offers a great variety of applications. The system is designed to automate nucleic acid purification and PCR setup in the medium to high throughput range, flexibly processing 1-32 samples at a time. The duration to purify a full batch of 32 samples is 52-180 minutes, depending on the application. Smaller batches require even shorter run duration. As shown in many publications, the MagNA Pure LC System has proven to be a versatile and reliable tool for isolation of very pure nucleic acids of high integrity (for details on references visit our MagNA Pure Special Interest Site at