Besides the freely available RapidMiner 4.3 Community Edition, Rapid-I also offers the more powerful RapidMiner 4.3 Enterprise Edition, which extends the Community Edition by capabilities for automated reporting in HTML, PDF, RTF, and Excel format as well as by parallel data mining operators for multi-core computers and professional technical support with guaranteed response times [ ]. The third variant of RapidMiner, the Developer Edition (OEM license), allows other software vendors and solution providers to integrate RapidMiner as ETL, BI, and data mining engine into their own products and solutions, even if these products are closed-source, and to distribute and sell these products and solutions to others.
The new RapidMiner release 4.3 focuses on improvements for companies that need to analyze large volumes of data and to quickly leverage the results for decisions at the core of their business. The improved lift charts of RapidMiner 4.3 support the optimization of direct mailing and marketing campaigns, customer churn prediction and reduction, customer retention and increased customer loyalty and sales volumes as well as acquisition of new customers with regard to cost, benefit, effectiveness, and efficiency. Modern data mining techniques help to select the customers most likely to respond positively to campaigns, the most promising communication channel(s) to contact them, and the best form of how to contact and address them. Extended pivotisations, new aggregation functions, extensive handling options for date and time attributes, simplified function-based construction of new features, optimized wizards for the easier handling of automated optimizations of data mining processes parameters, and new visualizations supporting zooming and panning enable improved data analysis and transformation processes and ease the use of RapidMiner. Extended macros and a new result storage mechanism support the design and execution of even more complex data mining processes. In addition to data import from and export to databases already supported in previous versions like e.g. Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Ingres as well as import of Excel and SPSS files, RapidMiner now also connects to Teradata data warehouses and eases the connection to Microsoft Access databases. The uni- and multi-variate time series analysis, prediction, and visualization were also improved. RapidMiner 4.3 also provides extensive capabilities for the analysis of unstructured texts, automated text classification and e-mail routing, text mining, web mining, and automated sentiment analysis from internet discussion groups, web blogs, product reviews, and customer feedback.
About RapidMiner:
RapidMiner [ ] is the leading open source data mining software. According to a poll of the major web portal for data mining and knowledge discovery,, in May 2008 among 347 data mining experts, RapidMiner is the most widely used open source data mining tool and the second most frequently employed software for data analysis overall. A study of the Technical University of Chemnitz presented at the international Data-Mining-Cup 2007 (DMC-2007) compared the major open source data mining tools and found RapidMiner to be the leading open source data mining software outperforming the others especially with respect to its advanced technology and to its usability. Within its "Innovation Award 2008", the German initiative for small and mid-sized businesses ("Initiative Mittelstand") awarded RapidMiner as one of the most innovative open source solutions. RapidMiner has thousands of users in more than 40 countries world-wide. During the last three years, RapidMiner was downloaded more than 375,000 times, more than 10,000 times per month with a further upward trend. RapidMiner provides more than 500 different modules for detecting patterns in data and for their 2D and 3D visualisation. RapidMiner supports data import from common data formats of other data mining tools, Excel sheets, SPSS files, all common databases, and unstructured text documents like news texts, e-mail messages, web pages, web blogs, PDF documents, as well as time series and audio data.
About Rapid-I:
Rapid-I [ ] is a provider of business intelligence, predictive analytics, data mining, text mining, and web mining software, solutions, and services offering its customers automatable intelligent data analysis of large amounts of data and text including automatically generated classification and forecasting systems. The open source data mining specialist Rapid-I enables other companies to use the latest technology for intelligent data analysis and for the discovery of still unused company knowledge from existing data. Rapid-I won the highly rewarded Open Source Business Award 2008. Rapid-I has a broad user and customer base including companies like Ford, Honda, Nokia, Miele, Philips, IBM, HP, Cisco, Merrill Lynch, BNP Paribas, Bank of America, mobilkom austria, Akzo Nobel, Aureus Pharma, PharmaDM, Cyprotex, Celera, Revere, LexisNexis, and Mitre as well as many small and mid-sized companies. Rapid-I is headquartered in Dortmund, Germany. Besides of its since 2001 continuously improved data mining software RapidMiner, Rapid-I offers its customers a broad range of services including consulting, trainings, professional support, software development, customization, and extensions as well as complete data analysis services from a single source. Further information is available at .