The report highlights that automobile production could exceed its pre-crisis level in 2011. However, this upward movement did not continue.In fact, since then production has been swinging up and down, marking again and again new highs, followed by setbacks. So automobile production in Germany is in a sideways range since 2011. And the top in April as well as the following setback are typical characteristics of a sideways movement.
However, signs are mounting that production and sales could break out from their sideways range in the near future.
The report points to the accumulation of high production values. Sales were clearly above their upper limit of their sideways range in March but rebounded again in April.
The report classifies this development into the course of the world economy and comes to the conclusion that it has beconme more probable that production and sales will leave their sideways ranges to the upside and – forming a new sideways range on a higher level.
The link to the report is