“We are very happy with the product launch and our customers love the performance features of the ProtectStar Data Shredder”. What could express the success of ProtectStar’s latest new product better than the euphoric words of Christopher Bohn, CEO of ProtectStar Inc.?
“We’ve also received enquiries from several offices close to the government which have shown great interest in using the ProtectStar Data Shredder. The new ProtectStar Secure Deletion Algorithm has been attracting particular attention”, Bohn continues. The company has already applied for a copyright for this algorithm in the USA.
This “ProtectStar Secure Deletion Algorithm”, which was specially developed for the ProtectStar Data Shredder, is so effective that when the user selects the “ProtectStar Security” deletion option, there is no way of retrieving the data with established programmes whatsoever.
You can find further details and a test version of the ProtectStar Data Shredder v1.0 on the ProtectStar Inc. homepage, at www.protectstar.com