Story Box-ID: 154149

POET AG develops and supplies software and services for e-business solutions in the fields of e-Procurement and e-Commerce.
Leading purchasing and sales organizations rely on the innovative e-business software and the comprehensive services of the market leader in catalog management. Being an innovation leader in the industry POET AG is constantly engaged in trend-setting projects with national and international academic institutions.
The ePROCURE Suite is the basis of successful e-Procurement in leading corporations. The customers benefit from the centralized management of product information comprising commodities as well as services, from the easy and effective finding and ordering of the right products and from the frictionless handling of the order process.
The eCOMMERCE Suite enables a consistent and customized supply of manifold electronic sales channels in the online trade. The eCOMMERCE Suite supports a consistent workflow from the supplier up to the customer: collect the product information, refine the product data, showcase the merchandise and services.