In order to ensure maintaining the range of functions, the UDE's own workspace file, a location for storing configuration settings of the debugger, is fully integrated in the Eclipse workspace. Subsequently, a debug session can be defined simply as Eclipse launch configuration and started from the C/C++ editor. Display of the instruction pointer is carried out synchronously in all perspectives. Breakpoints can be set both in the C/C++ editor and by debugger-specific functions. Their display is also synchronous. Furthermore, C/C++ editors can also be used in the UDE Eclipse perspective.
The paths of the source files are read by the debug plug-in direct from the Eclipse workspace. This ensures a maximum consistency during the development phase, which in turn means that, as a rule, the common complex path management with large projects is not necessary.
The Eclipse plug-in is available for all UDE 2.6 supported microcontroller architectures and families including TriCore, PowerArchitecture, SH-2A, XC2000 / XE166, ARM, Cortex, XScale and C166 / ST10. Even the management of several debugger instances for multi-core debugging is supported, without limitations.
The tool can be used both in preconfigured installations, based on the Eclipse platform 3.4 (Ganymede) and Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) 5.0, and on self-configured Eclipse CDT platforms.