With 183 patients (231 breasts) the study is the largest so far to evaluate treatment with TiLOOP® Bra. The results of the analysis show that TiLOOP® Bra facilitated implant-aided instant reconstruction in the patients selected. No patient-related risk factors were identified in relation to primary breast reconstruction with the TiLOOP® Bra implant. Overall the study confirms the positive findings for the mesh implant’s properties which include low rates of inflammation and rapid ingrowth into the surrounding tissue. Breast reconstruction with TiLOOP® Bra is therefore a safe form of treatment.
Three different versions of TiLOOP® Bra are available to support smaller (< 200 g), medium (< 350 g) and larger (< 500 g) breast sizes. pfm medical’s titanized meshes can also be used in other areas including hernia surgery and pelvic floor surgery. They are produced by pfm medical titanium gmbh, a pfm company based in Nuremberg, Germany.