Both days of the conference will kick off with an engaging keynote speech. On day one, Leonard Rosenthol of Adobe Systems will talk about the future of PDF, revealing his experiences in standardising PDF both with Adobe and with a number of international standardisation committees. Marco Zehe of Mozilla will open day two with his keynote speech, "Document accessibility for software developers".
In addition to the keynotes, the agenda is divided up into three "tracks". "Last year we offered a choice of two tracks. This concept, which gave participants the maximum possible benefit based on their own areas of interest and existing knowledge , was so well-received that we decided to broaden our offering even further this year", explained Olaf Drümmer, Chairman of the PDF Association.
The participants' choice:
On the first day, the first track will provide a full range of information on PDF/A as a format for archiving things like scanned and born-digital documents, and for hybrid archiving with PDF/A-3. The second track will focus on output and printing using the PDF/X and PDF/VT formats, while the third track will offer a series of highly technical presentations on PDF validation.
On day two, Track A will look at the subject of universal accessibility with PDF/UA. The focus here will be on the challenging process of creating these files, the corresponding processes and tools needed, and how to confirm that a file really is universally accessible. If you're interested in signatures and SharePoint, then Track B is for you: here, two presentations will get in-depth with digital signatures, while two more will discuss optimal PDF integration and PDF standards in SharePoint. Also on day two, Track C will go "Inside PDF". Remaining highly technologically-oriented, this will explain in detail how best to create and process PDFs, and will also discuss the PDF syntax.
All speakers at the event are proven experts in their respective fields, which means participants can count on receiving competent answers to all of their questions. Both days of the event will provide plenty of time for in-depth discussions.
Attendance will cost 199 euros for PDF Association members, and 799 euros for non-members. All prices exclude the 19% German sales tax. Registration is open now at, where the current agenda can also be viewed. The conference will be held in English.
A free web conference stream will be available for PDF Association members who are unable to attend the conference in person.