The need for operators to upscale
In the 1990s mobile network operators divided their subscribers into two separate groups, based on how they pay: pre-paid or post-paid. Since then they have developed two independently working systems. Today operators must know their customers to be able to grow. Thus it is essential to combine those independent platforms into a single platform. One reason is the cost perspective; another is the ability to meet customers' needs and wishes, and moreover to ensure revenue potential.
100M customers on one convergent platform
When operators now want to combine their two systems, it comes down to scalability. Systems designed to run post-paid customers are only able to handle a small number of subscribers - perhaps 10-15M, but not 100M. Thus the systems' architecture is not very scalable, but is on the other hand very rich in functionality. In contrast, billing systems designed to run pre-paid customers are highly scalable, but not very rich in functionality. This was alright in the past, as the operators did not have to offer much service to the customers. To combine both systems in one single system is today's challenge.
Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing provides both: scalability and functionality in a single billing system - ready to meet the challenges of next-generation networks. It enhances the telecommunications operators' abilities to secure and generate revenue and improve overall customer satisfaction.