Brilliant prints for high-gloss brochures and posters
Also in the world of advertising, the demand for glamourous and high-gloss magazines with brilliantly finished front pages is on a steady increase. UV finishes lend a sparkle and depth to the advertising messages. The innovative printing company has a particular market sector in mind: "UV varnishing for flyers and folded flyers that are now also offered on low-grammage paper is of particular interest for our domestic and international customers", says Stefan Plomitzer, Authorized Officer of Onlineprinters GmbH. Our wide range of premium printed materials and finishes offered, which also includes the assortment of CHROMOLUX special papers with metallic effects, is a true alternative for agencies and creative individuals with a tight budget desiring to produce high quality and at the same time inexpensive advertising material for their customers.
Finishing techniques at brilliant prices
Onlineprinters GmbH unites printing and innovative finishing techniques under one roof. The decisive factor for the online print shop customers is the short production time coupled with high finishing quality and reasonable prices. It is precisely in these areas that the new varnishing machine Colibri 74 by Steinemann convinces with its outstanding performance: Up to 200,000 sheets daily receive a perfect offline varnishing with high-gloss finish. This also allows express deliveries for high-quality printed products. A high quality of print, along with incredibly low sales prices, wins the online print shop about 6,000 new customers every month. In the independent evaluation portal of Trusted Shops on , 99 percent of the customers attest the multiple-certified online print shop an "Excellent" for their services.