MCD thanks the 130 donors for donating $20,000 and nova-Institute for running the professional crowdfunding campaign. With this budget it was already possible to create two videos on cannabis as medicine and a free online course with six lectures in several languages as part of its efforts to shine some light on all facets of cannabis as medicine. In addition, nine press releases were released on topics such as “How does cannabis work as a medicine?”, “Cannabis targets cancer without harming healthy cells”, “Cannabis’ role in treating psychiatric diseases” or “Medical Cannabis as orphan drug”.
All information is freely available on the website. The crowdfunding campaign ran from the 19 April to the 18 June; further donations are welcome directly at the MCD website and will be used to expand the information on cannabis as medicine as well as the charity's contact network of medical professionals and patients and to fund further awareness activities.
Cannabis is successfully used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, loss of appetite and nausea during chemotherapy, epilepsy, chronic pain diseases, severe depression, post-traumatic stress disorder or chronic inflammatory diseases. One of the campaign’s goals is to give patients better access to reliable information on cannabis as medicine.
Still, only 10 out of 200 countries in the world grant their citizens access to cannabis for medical use. Another 20 countries established regulations that make cannabis as medicine accessible only in a few special cases, while in more than 150 countries legal access to this treatment remains unavailable.
MCD would like to thank the crowdfunding platinum level donor Dr Bronner’s (USA), our Gold donor MH medical hemp (Germany) and the silver level donors Canah (Romania), (Slovakia), Green Snake Hemp Juice (Germany), and HempConsult (Germany) for their contributions. Additional donors are welcome.
About Medical Cannabis Declaration e.V. (MCD)
The Medical Cannabis Declaration (MCD) is an online platform founded on 16 February 2013 in Ruethen, Germany, established by worldwide medical professionals and patients who believe that the access to cannabis should not be determined by geography. MCD aims at promoting safe and regular prescription and use of medical cannabis, globally. The charity wants to be part of a growing movement to change the negative perception on cannabis to assure its real medical values are recognised. We solely rely on scientific studies developed for the medical use of the cannabis plant. Visit us at: