Sales increased by 10.7 % from KEUR 28,940 (3M-2017) to KEUR 32,044 in the first quarter 2018.
The Group result for earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) improved by 12.5 % to KEUR 3,293 (3M-2017: KEUR 2,926). A value of KEUR 4,021 could be achieved in EBITA. Consequently, it was 14.2 % above the previous year‘s value (3M-2017: KEUR 3,520). EBITDA was KEUR 5,792 in the first quarter of 2018 (3M-2017: KEUR 5,411) and consequently was 7.0 % higher than the previous year. The consolidated surplus amounted to KEUR 2,511 for the first quarter 2018 following KEUR 2,503 (3M-2017).
The cash flow from operating activities reached KEUR 17,285 following KEUR 18,153 (3M-2017) in the previous year. NEXUS AG had cash funds incl. short-term financial assets amounting to KEUR 38,559 as of 31 March 2018 (31 March 2017: KEUR 34,111).
The undiluted earnings per share amounted to 17 cents (previous year: 17 cents) (diluted: 15 cents; previous year: 15 cents).
NEXUS AG has equity capital amounting to KEUR 104,480 (31 Dec. 2017: KEUR 103,009). This demonstrates that NEXUS AG has a sustainable and healthy balance sheet as well as sufficient capital for further financing of its European growth strategy.