In the last financial year, Memorysolution GmbH was able to further expand the EMEA business with memory products made by the worldwide leaders in DRAM technology, Qimonda und AENEON™. Despite the prevailing decline in price, turnover generated with Flash-, USB- and MP3-/MP4 components of leading international manufacturers also was increased significantly. In order to make allowance for the as well significantly increased cargo volumes, a new logistics center will be put into operation at the headquarters in Breisach any time soon. The opening of the new subsidiary Rhein-Ruhr, well-staffed with two specialists experienced in the business of advertising and promotional items, marks another milestone of the continued expansion strategy. Based in the new premises, the two will cater for the Europe-wide support of the advertising industry with promotional items from the IT and CE world.
“In this tenth year of operation, we look back on an exciting business year which – against the common trend - we finalized with an impressing positive business result, although we had to go through the same ups and downs in the market that all market participants had to overcome. The significantly increased volume of cargo urgently called for a quick, proper and future-safe solution; so putting our new fully air-conditioned logistics center with cargo handling and office space of more than 600 sqm into operation will further strengthen our effectiveness and add to our performance”, Gerald Diercks, Managing Director of Memorysolution GmbH describes the positive developments. „Our organic growth is powered by the distribution of products of field-proven A-brand quality. Moreover, we permanently keep an eye on the international hot-spots of technology advancement in order to expand our product portfolio future-oriented but with appropriate caution. The opening of the new subsidiary Rhein/Ruhr and taking on board two experienced experts in this specialized field of promotional high-tech gadgets, that complement our team as Key-Account Manager Customizing with immediate effect, puts us in an excellent position to further proceed with our worldwide expansion plans. As of today, Memorysolution already delivers into more than fifty countries of the world, and the very fact that we achieved a better business result as in the year before the cut-off of take MS with our team of now 37 heads only more than impressively proves our potential. We definitely took the right way and happily look forward, not only to meet but exceed the requirements and wishes of all our channel- und system partners by implementing the aforementioned measures.“
At this year’s CeBIT, among others the completion of the product portfolio with a full range of flash-based storage media was announced. Further measures to improve customer satisfaction are in the pipe or have already been implemented. Already for some while now, placing orders 24/7, 356 days a year is possible again, to increase the ease of use and performance, the Online-Shop was completely restructured from scratch. Since short customers of Memorysolution easily can create customized USB storage media online at and place an order straightaway.