75° face and 90° tangential shoulder milling cutters
With the new 75° face and 90° tangential shoulder milling cutters for the machining of steel and cast iron, the close pitch is responsible for the high feed rates.
45° face and 88° tangential shoulder milling cutters
The 45° face and 88° tangential shoulder milling cutters for the machining of steel, stainless steel and cast iron impress with large cutting depths. They are both available with the same construction, i.e. four useful cutting edges per LTHU tangential indexable insert, and with LTHU tangential indexable inserts installed on alternate sides that are particularly cost-effective with their eight useful cutting edges.
Tangential technology for optimum tool lives
The properties of the tangential technology benefit all the milling cutters. The indexable inserts are tangentially embedded so that the machining forces are first absorbed over the whole cross-section of the cutting edge. Only very small loads are transmitted to the tool body, resulting in an improved quality of the machining results. The reduced cutting forces due to the positive cutting edge geometries also lower the drive power required from the machine, and as a result increase the energy efficiency. In addition, the soft cutting behaviour results in longer tool lives. Compared with the use of radial ISO indexable inserts, more inserts can be constructively fitted in the tool with the same or even higher stability. The ground ISO indexable inserts are recommended for high-precision results, the sprayed inserts for maximum cost-effectiveness.
45° face milling cutters with eight-sided OFMT radial indexable inserts
Cutting depths of up to 10 mm are the benefit offered by the new 45° face milling cutters with eight-sided OFMT radial indexable inserts. Up to a
cutting depth of 4 mm, all eight cutting edges can be used for machining steel and stainless steel. For cutting depths > 4 mm, four cutting edges can be used per indexable insert. This new milling cutter is available with medium and close pitch. It impresses with very low costs per cutting edge and hence very high cost-effectiveness.