Meet us on the PDF/A Conference in Rome. The PDF/A Conference will take palce from September 29 to October 1, 2010 at Fontana di Trevi, Centro Congressi in Rome, Italy. Those interested in LuraTech's technology can take a close look at the new PDF Compressor at the exhibition accompanying the conference.
Or signup now to our Webinar about our PDF Compressor 5.7.
During our Webinar you can lern everything about the the new features of the PDF Compressor 5.7 and about additional PDF/A-2 options of the PDF Compressor which will be available directly after the new part of the standard is officially adopted, anticipated to be in the first quarter of 2011. The Webinar is free of charge and signup is easy!
Signup here:
Webinar about PDF Compressor 5.7
Date: 7, October 2010
11:00 AM CEST (language: German)
Sign in here:
Date: 7, October 2010
3:00 PM CEST (language: English)
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