The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a proven method in which the inactive genetic material of viruses is exponentially multiplied so that it can finally be detected in the laboratory. In quantitative real-time PCR, additional fluorescent dyes are added to the reaction, which become active at a specific point in time during the chain reaction. This makes both quantitative analysis and detection possible. The performance of this method depends heavily on how accurately the fluorescence wavelength is detected. Bandpass filters that suppress all other wavelengths ensure this.
Blocking that is greater than OD6 results in bandpass filters that have a transmission in the pass band of more than 95% and a medium wavelength tolerance of less than ± 0.3% at the required wavelength to increase qPCR efficiency. These filter sets are optimally adapted for use with fluorescent dyes such as FAM, Cy5, HEX, JOE, ROX, TexasRed, and TAMRA.
Not only manufacturers of medical PCR instruments will be able to benefit from them.
Further product information:
Components for Fluorescence Measurements