The 10,000th frequencydoubled disk laser in the green wavelength range was sold last week at the laser exhibition PHOTONICS WEST 2010 in San Francisco. The majority of this type of lasers is used in a medical practice for eye operations. Thanks to their specific advantages and flexible range of applications, these disk lasers have almost totally replaced the lasers previously used in this sector, which were inefficient and usually had large dimensions.
With the same power output of 3 to 8 watts, the new version of the Jenlas.®D2.x requires a housing only a quarter of the previous size, making its use as a medical laser even more attractive. All the leading medical equipment manufacturers showed great interest in the new version of the laser at Jenoptik's exhibition stand.
Laser radiation in the green spectral range is used to "reattach" the retina in the fundus of the eye. It is a procedure which can combat major and extensive detachment of this part of the retina due to age or illnessrelated retinal detachment and thus considerably improve this clinical picture. The laser is also used in dermatology to treat skin changes, for example in obliterating varicose vessels. Furthermore, the Jenlas.®D2.x is outstandingly suitable for material processing as well as show & entertainment.
The success of the disk laser, a variety of solidstate lasers, lies in the geometry of the laser medium. Instead of a solid cylindrical laser crystal, a thin disk a few hundred micrometers thick is the active laser material. Laminar cooling is possible which does not require water and thus reduces installation and maintenance costs. Advantage of the apparatus: the laser is compact, efficient and delivers excellent and consistent beam quality.