Foundation designers have produced a variety of different solutions – monopiles, gravity-based systems, tripods, jackets and innovative solutions like the suction pile foundations. Which are most cost-efficient in different soils and water depths, also taking production cost as well as transport and installation into consideration?
Top speakers from companies such as BARD Engineering GmbH, EWE AG, Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH, REpower Systems SE and many more share their expertise with conference attendees. Their presentations focus on following central topics:
• 10 case studies of European offshore wind projects
• Challenges and potential of XL monopiles throughout the value chain
• Innovative pile driving and noise mitigation technologies
• Cooperation with German approval authorities and avoiding delays
• Assessment of new tools and processes for more cost-efficient transportation and installation
Additionally, delegates have the opportunity to attend four different workshops on Friday, 5 July 2013:
• A | Advances in offshore foundation design
• B | Efficient planning and approval of offshore foundations
• C | Future challenges for foundation production
• D | Transport and installation – defining the room for improvement
See for more details.