“Adequate solutions need to be found to secure cargo in a better way while in a supply chain,” said Paul Linders, Director Security Europe, Middle East, Africa at CEVA Logistics. “Projects started out of government initiatives (e.g. C-TPAT, AEO), as well as initiatives taken out of the industry (e.g. TAPA) should be able to give the best support to secure freight.”
Linders will give an in depth overview of the Transported Asset Protection Association’s (TAPA) Air Cargo Security Standards their importance, as well as the stakeholders and their responsibilities on 25 January at IQPC’s International Air Cargo Congress in Frankfurt.
Further speakers will include Dr Heinrich Frye, Head of Aviation Logistics Project Center at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics in Germany, who will speak about the world’s security methods and what is being done to achieve Europe-wide 100% screening, and Alain Breuer, Head of Security at Cargolux Airlines International S.A. Luxembourg and Chair of the Cargo Security Working Group Association of European Airlines (AEA), who will discuss current challenges in the industry and how supply chain management can improve security.
Additional conference highlights will include the challenges of achieving 100% paperless air cargo shipments (e-freight), time and temperature sensitive materials and developments in cargo labelling.
For free articles and podcasts, as well as the full congress program, visit www.air-cargo-congress.com.