*instinctools GmbH, a company providing software solutions and services, has been previously instrumental in bringing an innovative structured documentation solution in the form of DITAworks Documentation Application in the market. They have also brought productivity enhancement benefits in documentation area like full Eclipse IDE integration with their documentation application DITAworks. Now, they have decided to make a contribution to the DITA community by providing their Visual DITA Specialization Manager totally free of charge for the purpose of development and maintenance publicly available DITA Specializations. This will provide a much needed impetus to DITA standard by lowering barriers to DITA adoption as a result of simplification of the DITA specialization process.
The Visual DITA Specialization Manager contains comprehensive modeling functions that allow development and maintenance of project specific documentation models (DITA Specializations). This application opens a new dimension in the ease of customizing DITA to specific needs in a userfriendly way. It simplifies the DITA specialization processes while providing productivity benefits in terms of lesser time, optimal quality of deliverables, and singlesourcing of the model (export of DTD and XML Schema possible). Furthermore, it can facilitate an integrated environment with 100% DITAbased tools like DITAworks. The main features of this application are listed as follows:
- Wizardbased Visual Editor for DITA specializations with support of structural, domain and attribute specializations
- Import of existing specializations from DTD.
- DITA model validation (checking for validity of specialization)
- Export of managed specializations to DTD or XML Schema
- Export of Specializations in form of DITA OT plugin
- Integration with version control
All these benefits and functionalities have been developed to give substantial support to Information Architects and Documentation Project Managers in designing and maintaining their DITA specializations by providing wizardbased visual editor for DITA information types.
The development of these functionalities has been made possible through a mix of technological expertise and practical experience gained from various DITA projects.
This freeofcost license for Visual DITA Specialization Manager will be limited to development of or working with models available publically and prohibit any commercial use of the tool other than evaluation. The license will be made available starting from the first week of December.
For more information about Visual DITA Specialization Manager from *instinctools, please visit www.ditaworks.com/modeling or write to info@instinctools.com.
For more information about DITAworks, DITAbased tool for supporting full lifecycle of structured documentation, please visit www.ditaworks.com.