The new family of products deliver comprehensive Content Collection and Archiving capabilities that make information more accessible, manageable and, ultimately, usable by making it easier to locate and analyze to extract knowledge and insights.
IBM Content Collection and Archiving offerings will help clients move beyond e-mail archiving to provide organizations with comprehensive management capabilities for virtually all their business content, including file systems, Lotus Quickr, Microsoft SharePoint, instant messages and other information. These products offer more advanced functionality to meet new legal eDiscovery and records management requirements as well as de-duplication and integration with records retention services, helping to reduce storage and electronic discovery costs.
Yorkshire Water, a subsidiary of Kelda Group, manages the collection, treatment and distribution of water, supplying around 1.24 billion liters of drinking water each day. With a combined IBM and Neocol offering, Yorkshire Water is using IBM software to help them integrate e-mail content with other documents and facilitate retention and archiving with associated storage management, helping Yorkshire achieve compliance with regulatory, government and industry mandates.
"IBM's Content Collection and Archiving offerings will help us to simplify tasks, including managing email archives and records management, while leveraging our existing content management platform to manage and control content over the long run," said Ian Marshall, Senior Technical Analyst, Yorkshire Water.
"Today, many organizations' needs have outgrown the limited business value of e-mail archiving as they seek better control and management of their content in support of their business goals," said Ken Bisconti, vice president, product and strategy, IBM Enterprise Content Management. "Our Content Collection and Archiving products will help enable clients make more complete use of all their information and content, providing simplified, consistent usability while reducing costs and improving productivity for both business users and IT."
IBM Content Collection and Archiving Family
IBM's Content Collection and Archiving products are based on a modular, extensible architecture and are designed to collect content from nearly any source, including email or file attachments, enhance the content by applying modular tasks, and mange the content in an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) repository to be controlled - consistently and cost-effectively.
IBM Content Collector and Archiving is based on a secure and scalable IBM ECM platform, and is pre-built to take advantage of IBM ECM capabilities such as advanced classification, records management, and eDiscovery search and analytics to fully optimize the lifecycle of compliant information management. The products utilize the IBM Information Infrastructure, which is designed to build the foundation clients need to deliver improved service levels, reduce business risks, and manage all types of information.
IBM's Content Collection and Archiving family consists of:
IBM Content Collector for Email: An automated, flexible and scalable offering that is designed to expand e-mail information usage for compliance, ECM, Business Process Management and Business Intelligence applications.
IBM Content Collector for File Systems: An enterprise offering for controlling documents on a network file share drives, enabling file system control, archiving, and eDiscovery collection.
IBM Content Collector Preload Edition: A hardware and software offering that will enable clients to quickly install and automate an e-mail management solution, helping users to improve e-mail system performance and to easily and quickly retrieve email to satisfy compliance audit reviews and legal discovery requirements.
IBM Content Collector Enterprise Bundle - A single Content Collection & Archiving bundle that collects, enhances and manages casually created content types that drive the most potential cost and risk - e-mail (Domino or Exchange), file systems (Windows NTFS), and SharePoint - delivered together with advanced Contextual Classification capabilities
Key ECM business partners that are supporting IBM Content Collector and Archiving and extending the reach of the new offerings include: Cenit, Electronic Evidence Discovery, Inc., FaceTime, Fritz & Macziol, FTI, ImageMaker, Integro, Iron Mountain, Neocol, Orchestria and Workgroup Connections.
IBM Content Collection and Archiving is also supported by IBM Global Technology Services, with a new comprehensive enterprise archiving assessment including workshops and roadmaps, tying IBM Content Collector to enterprise archiving and to the IBM Enterprise Archiving Reference Architecture.
IBM Content Collection and Archiving is part of IBM's Information on Demand initiative, which applies the company's broad spectrum of global software, hardware, research and industry consulting expertise to provide clients with the means to address their increasing, industry-specific information management challenges, including managing the explosion of application-specific information silos.
For more information on IBM's Content Collection and Archiving offerings, visit: