This allows customers increased cash management efficiency by further concentrating their activities onto TARGET2 Real Time Gross Settlement "RTGS" accounts. In addition Deutsche Bundesbank and CBF extended their Self Collateralisation service from night time until 10:00 a.m. thus providing an additional time frame for funding CBF's daytime settlement with central bank liquidity. With these steps CBF further improves its offering for securities settlement in central bank money and helps increase the safety and efficiency of the market.
Andreas Wolf, CEO of CBF Executive Board: "The successful migration to TARGET2 demonstrates Clearstream's commitment to raising the level of market efficiency and to addressing the needs of our national and international customer base.
Additionally market participants will benefit from this implementation when they use CBF for the access to Link Up Markets (1) in 2009."
(1) Link Up Markets a joint venture by eight leading Central Securities Depositories to improve efficiency and reduce costs of post-trade processing of cross-border securities transactions in Europe.