QuaDRiGa was developed at Fraunhofer HHI to enable the modeling of MIMO radio channels for specific network configurations such as indoor, satellite or heterogeneous configurations. Besides being a fully-fledged three-dimensional geometry-based stochastic channel model, QuaDRiGa contains a collection of features developed in SCM(e) and WINNER channel models. Furthermore, it contains new modelling approaches that offer functions to enable quasi-deterministic multi-link tracking of receiver movements in changing environments. Furthermore, the channel model is calibrated with the 3GPP channel models 3GPP-3D and the latest New Radio channel model 3GPP-NR.
The new version QuaDRiGa 2.2 contains new features for the simulation of dual-mobility scenarios, thus supporting moving transmitters and receivers at the same time. In addition, the new version covers industrial environments and can therefore be used for Industry 4.0 applications such as Industrial Internet of Things (IoT). The open-source MATLAB/Octave implementation is available free of charge at http://quadriga-channel-model.de.