„Bonjour! Mat weem géift Dir gäeren schwätzen?“ An example of a sentence the caller will hear in the future of an electronic interlocutor. The Excelsis Speech Framework, standard voice software makes it possible to understand various languages and also dialects. If a caller selects the main number of an enterprise, they will be transferred directly, by the fully automatic switchboard to their desired interlocutor, on the basis of an intuitive dialogue. “Of course the voice software does not only speak and recognize Lëtzebuergesch, but many further languages and dialects”, describes Christian Sauter, CEO of Excelsis.
The fully automatic switchboard is the basis for further applications. “Regardless of whether they are public service phone, timetable information in the public transportation or a Track & Trace solutions in logistics, we can help enterprises improve their services and lower their costs”, adds Christian Sauter.
At the “Contact Centre Automation 2006” forum Excelsis will be unveiling this new voice application for Luxembourg. Interested people can convince themselves personally of the advantages of an automatic switchboard. The event is free of charge and is organised by Excelsis together with its partner telisma. The forum will be taking place on the 29th June 2006 from 3pm to 5 p.m at the Sofitel Hotel Luxembourg Europe.
More information please go to www.excelsisnet.com.
About Excelsis
Across the globe, Excelsis is one of the leading suppliers of standard application software for voice computers. By using this software, companies from all sorts of sectors can automate their call centres. Furthermore, Excelsis offers software especially for the sectors of banking, digital TV, transport, suppliers, and trade as well as intersectoral software for information systems, customer management and helpdesk automation.
Companies from all sectors use Excelsis's software, thus lowering their costs and improving their service. 9Live, the town of Augsburg, Cablecom, Deutsche Telekom, EnBW, Jamba!, Medion, Orange, Swisscom, UBS and Vattenfall, to name but a few examples, are all customers.
EXCELSIS has partnerships with globally important technology suppliers such as Telisma, Alcatel/Genesys, Aspect, Avaya, IBM, Mircosoft, Nuance and Intervoice and employs over 100 staff in Berlin, Berne, Luxembourg, Singapore, Stuttgart, Sydney and Zurich.