On May 3rd, the environmental ministry announced that the investment subsidy program for regenerative heating technologies had been stopped due to a budget freeze in 2010. In more specific terms, this means that from now on, no government grants will be provided for solar thermal collectors, biomass heating systems or thermal pumps. The last drastic change to the incentive program in 2007 has already shown to what extent financial cutbacks can influence the local sales market and with it, the development of the German solar thermal industry.
Based on first results of the solar thermal market and industry analysis, experts of EuPD Research forecast a downward trend in the German sales market in 2010. German companies will be especially affected, since the domestic market represents their most important sales market. Although the short term prognosis forecasts an upward trend in 2011, mainly based on the probable continuation of the subsidy program, the turnovers and employment values of the record year 2008 will not be reached again until 2012.
German companies face significant challenges
Therefore, the impact on the German solar thermal industry is remarkable: however, the increasingly competitive situation means that many companies will face both significant challenges and chances in the course of their future development. Experts agree on the fact that domestic manufacturers, who are among the worldwide technological leaders, will cope with the new framework conditions – as they have already proven their strengths in the past. New and promising sales markets are emerging in foreign, especially European countries. Numerous German manufacturers are already orientating themselves towards an increased export business.
How the German solar thermal branch will develop in the future, and which foreign markets will gain importance, is displayed in the study report of the solar thermal market and industry analysis. Up to now, the German market was known as the largest and most stable sales market in Europe, with around 1.55 million square meters of collector’s surface newly installed in 2009. Experts believe it is likely that the present political development will temporarily slow down this growth.
Industry analysis ”Solarthermie 2010“ will be published at Intersolar Europe
As the leading market research firm in the field of renewable energies, EuPD Research has conducted several industry and production site analyses on behalf of political and economical institutions. The final report of the current survey that was realized on behalf of the Intersolar Europe organizers - Solar Promotion GmbH and the Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co. KG – will be officially published at the opening press conference of the this year’s Intersolar Europe in Munich. Furthermore, key results of this study will be presented and discussed in detail within the scope of several conference workshops.
Background information on the market and industry analysis “Solarthermie 2010”
The study report is primarily based on a survey among solar thermal companies, meaning manufacturers, distributing companies as well as representatives of the German installation branch. Objective of the survey is a detailed depiction of the German solar thermal industry and its industrial policy and medium-term perspectives. Besides this, the state and impact of the legal framework on market development will be shown. The survey is supplemented by an analysis of the local sales market as well as by a detailed examination of some of the most promising foreign sales markets.
For further information on the industry analysis, please contact EuPD Research:
Martin Ammon, Projekt Manager
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D-53113 Bonn
Fon +49 (0)228 97143-22
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