Ultrafast lasers are particularly sensitive to thermal lensing, where heat causes either a gain medium or intracavity optics to deform or exhibit a refractive index gradient. This can reduce performance and even prevent mode-locking to produce a pulsed beam. With the advances in highly-dispersive intracavity mirrors from Edmund Optics’ partner, UltraFast Innovations (UFI), optics that experience negligible thermal effects are now available.
Standard in-stock mirrors for 1.030 nm ultrafast lasers feature negligible thermal effects, highly-negative group delay dispersion for pulse compression, and >99.5% minimum reflection of P-polarization across a 50 nm bandwidth. Custom mirrors are also available upon request.
Learn more about how highly-dispersive mirrors with minimized thermal lensing can improve high-power laser systems at https://www.edmundoptics.eu/knowledge-center/trending-in-optics/minimizing-thermal-lensing-in-ultrafast-systems/.