ScreenDisk, the Digital Media Workstation with an open platform, offers three systems in one box.
It is a multi-channel, multi-definition digital disk recorder, which records directly onto image or movie files. It also features Drastic QuickClip’s powerful DDR tools. ScreenDisk is a real-time non-destructive 2k colour grading system based on IRIDAS’ SpeedGrade. The FrameCycler DDS film, 2k, HD playback solution is ideal for use as a Digital Dailies Review system.
The ScreenDisk Box includes 3,4 GHz Dual-XENON processors, capable of up to 12 GB of RAM as well as a high speed disk array with up to 2880 GB. The features include storage and real-time, instant playback of native dpx 10bit log files of 300 minutes in duration.
As I/O channels, ScreenDisk includes the FX3000G graphic engine with dual DVI/RGB which displays 2048 x 1536 sequences. In addition, the ClipRecorder bundle features dual-link HD-SDI inputs and outputs for 2k; 4:4:4 and dual-channel; 4:2:2 capture playback for uncompressed QuickTime mov, Microsoft AVI and Windows Media 9 WMT formats. Support for these formats allows the user to directly capture and play back from the following formats as 8bit or 10bit YcbCr, 32bit RGB and 10bit RGB formats at HD & SD resolutions. AES/EBU and embedded audio are standard I/O’s.
A bundle can be supplied in one chassis which can be made up of the ScreenDisk, together with SpeedGrade, FrameCycler and the ClipRecorder providing the user with the perfect solution for recording, grading, reviewing as well as play-out applications. Optional plug-ins for WMT-9 proxy encoding, is the MPEG-2 HD-encoding network and GUI, which extends ScreenDisk to a central platform for Digital Media Applications.