Transactions via internet get more important in everyday life. Online shopping and e-government solutions are two important trends. By using XForms, these transactions that include the transmittance of private data become more mandatory, more controllable and therefore more secure.
The XForms standard allows the combining of different XML technologies within a bigger XML framework. Security experts estimate overall solutions like this to be much better to handle and to control than today's more common instant- and short-time solutions.
As an early adopter, supporter and implementer of XForms, Dreamlab would like to thank the developing team for its outstanding work and especially the chairs of the working group, Steven Pemberton and John Boyer. Dreamlab is proud to have contributed to the establishing of this important standard.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the international association of member organizations, a team, and the public, developing web standards. In recommending protocols and guidelines to ensure the long-term growth of the web, W3C helps its users to profit of the full possibilities of the World Wide Web. Past recommendations by the W3C are e.g. the now well known standards HTML, XML and CSS. Founder and chair of the W3C is Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Internet.
Xforms 1.1 is an official W3C-recommended standard for electronic forms that fulfills today's security requirements. Possible applications are e-government and e-commerce solutions. The standard is independent of platforms and also suits well for mobile phones.