The hardware needs to be portable and small and to be able to adapt to future needs. Keykeriki is therefore built around a Texas Instruments TRF7900 chip controlled by an ATMEL ATMEGA microcontroller. For logging abilities an SDCard-interface is built into the board layout, as well as an additional USART channel for future hardware extensions ("backpacks"). The whole board can be powered directly via the USB-bus or a stable 5Vpower source. When connected to a computer's USB-port, one can use either a decent terminal application or the keykeriCTL software which is included in the software package of this project. All the schematics can be downloaded in eagle- and PDF-format as part of the project's software package. Fully equipped boards will be provided in the near future.
Because of the flexible hardware design, most features can be built in by software. This first release contains (among other features) radio frequency switching, signal strength display, deciphering of encryptions, sniffing and decoding of keystrokes of Microsoft 27Mhz based keyboards.
Hardware extensions are easy to realize because two different interfaces, a second USART, I²C/TWI and SPI, are externalized. Therefore so called Backpacks e. g. an LCD display controller can be connected using the USART Interface.
The Future
Future extensions include amplification for antennas, support of other Microsoft keyboards and products of other producers, the constant amelioration of hard- and software and the parallel handling of several keyboards. Furthermore, a keykeriki able to send mouse- and keyboard-signals is intended.
Technical details can be found online: www.remote-exploit.org.